Different, but not exactly successful.
26 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Odd affair, this one. Promising and unique beginning for a western, very feminine; a dream followed by an opera, followed by the lead (Mary Stuart Masterson)'s emotional reaction to the opera - a lot said without words. Then comes the plot - she is reluctant to marry her suitor (Miller) and instead has more complicated passions with another man (also called Miller). She relents, marries anyway, is unhappy and then we learn that Miller 1 becomes a werewolf (of sorts) at full moon - cue the weakest transformation in werewolf history. Miller 2 is then employed (with Miller 1's consent) to protect MSM at the next full moon event. Spoiler: he does so but not, as is usual, with murder, but by holding him down by his arms (like play-fighting) until he surrenders. That's it.

The movie eludes to thoughtfulness and has a dreamy quality unusual in Westerns, yet there is a lack of clarity in plot, direction and dialogue (even with subtitles). There is a cheap feel, but not in a TV movie way, nor in a lo-fi way, perhaps more like a music video. There's also a couple of random sex scenes, almost soft-porn, thrown in. Lots of people (esp Western fans) would hate this movie and i couldn't recommend it. But it's a curiosity with some tasteful imagery and also a decent score. Hard to rate.
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