20 March 2024
A complete mess of a movie, with a somewhat great, but criminally underused villain. The movie is filled with plot holes, predictable twists, poorly written characters and character relations. Every nostalgic move falls flat, as opposed to Afterlife, that was genuinly moving. But worst of all is the humor and tongue in cheek look of the actors whenever things get too scary or intense. Even Paul Rudd looks like he isn't buying into the mess he is in. I can't say I went in with high expectations, and yet I am deeply dissapointed that a Reitman was behind this movie. Oh, and don't get me started on the finale, where some of the most silly and contrived solutions against the big baddie are thrown in without any build up or believeability. It wont surprise me if this movie went through extensive re-shoots to try and save it.
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