If you liked the Mighty Boosh you might make it through
13 March 2024
Wow what a load of tripe.

"Dick Turpin" lures viewers with the promise of Noel Fielding's comedic brilliance, but ultimately falls short of expectations. Despite hopes for a delightful romp, the series feels contrived and fails to deliver genuine laughs.

The attempts at humor come across as forced and predictable, lacking the spontaneity and charm that Fielding typically brings to his projects. While fans of "The Mighty Boosh" may have been drawn to this new endeavor, they'll find little to love as the humor consistently misses the mark.

Rather than organically blending historical drama with comedy, "Dick Turpin" feels like a clumsy attempt to capitalize on a popular genre without understanding what made it successful in the first place. The result is a lackluster series that struggles to find its footing.

In the end, "Dick Turpin" disappoints, leaving viewers longing for the wit and creativity of Fielding's earlier work. While his presence may have initially sparked interest, it's not enough to salvage this lackluster production. Fans would be better off revisiting old favorites than wasting time on this forgettable misstep.

Thanks chat gpt.
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