A Nostalgic Return for Godzilla, But One That Misses the Mark
12 March 2024
The Return of Godzilla." Marketed as a return to the franchise's roots, promised a grittier Godzilla alongside Cold War tensions. What I got was a curious mix - a lumbering near-docudrama that felt closer to the original 1954 film, complete with vintage effects and a dash of cheese.

"The Return" acts as a direct sequel to the 1954 film, conveniently forgetting everything in between (alien invasions, time travel, you name it). This could have been a fascinating exploration of the lingering trauma from the original Godzilla's attack. However, the film fails to capitalize on this. We encounter characters who seem completely oblivious to Godzilla's past rampage, which stretches believability.

The attempt at political intrigue also falls flat. The Soviet and American representatives are caricatures, demanding Godzilla's nuclear annihilation. The Japanese Prime Minister's counter-arguments, while somewhat justified, lack depth. The whole debate feels like a missed opportunity for a thought-provoking exploration of Cold War anxieties.

Visually, the film is a mixed bag. The practical effects and miniatures hold up well, and the pyrotechnics are impressive. However, the human scenes lack visual flair, relying on static shots and uninspired framing. The pacing is equally uneven, with stretches of exposition punctuated by Godzilla's attacks.

Speaking of Godzilla, our atomic leviathan looks a bit...off. The half-lidded eyes and goofy demeanor don't inspire awe. His battles, while featuring the awesome maser tanks and the Super X, lack the dynamism seen in later films.

Ultimately, "The Return of Godzilla" is a film stuck between eras. It jettisons the camp of the Showa era in favor of a more serious tone, but fails to deliver a truly compelling narrative or characters. The nostalgia factor is undeniable, but the film itself feels hesitant and unsure of its own direction. It's a decent monster mash, but one unlikely to leave a lasting impression. The beautiful score, however, deserves mention.

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