Review of The Signal

The Signal (2024)
Ending is objectively a letdown, no way around that--still enjoyable (MINOR spoilers)
12 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a sucker for first contact media, be it games, books, whatever; when it comes to the screen though, I am let down 100% of the time. Filmmakers are too afraid to show ayy lmaos, so it's either a nothingburger or it takes the shape of a human. There's always dramatic music playing with a wholesome message about how humanity sucks, etc. Ones that do are 99% low budget or terribly unimaginative. How about extra-dimensional entities? Why is it always either humanoid or arachnid, with basically nothing in between except slugs, Buenos Aires, or the Nolan take, where's it's literally just ourselves?

Rant over, Das Signal is an enjoyable watch. I found the acting to be quite good and have no idea why people think it's otherwise. This is a first for me--literally--but I actually didn't think the little kid was a hindrance. 2005's War of the Worlds this is absolutely not and I think she'll definitely grow up to be a fine actress if she's nailing things so young.

As for the progression, it's typically vague. There are powers at be who have motivations that never become clear and it's made tremendously worse since the conclusion is without a doubt weak. It's not like a BSG love/hate scenario, it's simply not good, not satisfying, and not what this series deserved. The writers should be ashamed of themselves.

Do I recommend it? If you routinely get fooled by the first contact premise and don't rage about smoothbrain finales then yes. If it gets to you, then hard skip.
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