History of boredom...
11 March 2024
When I stumbled upon this 2024 movie from writer and director Bo Mirhosseni, I had never actually heard about it. But that hardly mattered, as it being a movie that I hadn't already seen was sufficient enough to make me opt to sit down and watch it. And thus, I had zero idea what I was in for.

It was a little bit difficult to delve into the storyline and concept of the movie, because there simply wasn't sufficient information to make it believable. So it was not an easy movie to enjoy. The whole thing about some resistance fighting against a nation-wide regime just never came off as being believable at any point throughout the course of the 98 minutes that the movie ran for.

The movie is listed as a horror/thriller, but it was a pretty weak one at that. Perhaps if you are a newcomer to the horror and thriller genres, then the movie might actually come off as being either of the two, if not actually both. But for a life-long horror fan, then "History of Evil" just didn't cut it.

I actually wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie, aside from Thomas Francis Murphy, but they did have a good ensemble of talents put together to portray the characters and bring the story to life on the screen. The acting performances were good.

"History of Evil" was by no means a movie that captured my interest, much less provided me with much of any entertainment. And truth be told, I gave up on the ordeal 52 minutes into the movie. I just couldn't take much more of the boredom by then. This is definitely not a movie that I will return to attempt finish watching. Nor is it a movie that I would recommend for horror or thriller fans.

My rating of "History of Evil" lands on a three out of ten stars.
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