Disappointing, but no surprise at this point
10 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
For AMC's cash cow, it's baffling why they don't hire proper talented writers/directors as they did with the first season.

Given how long TWD dragged on, being practically b-rate script-wise in the later half, you'd have thought they'd have breathed new life into these spin-offs, but nope. They're mostly the same tripe but with more impressive production. They have a different feel to the original show, but I don't know whether that is a good thing or not. They've had moments where they've been good, just a shame they couldn't keep that throughout an entire episode.

Oddly, despite it being rated the least, I think I favour Dead City the most so far.

It is a little too early to judge The Ones Who Live properly, so I will update after the last episode. But for now, I am not overly impressed story-wise.

For a story that centres around two lovers, I don't truly buy their love. They're good together, just not as lovers. It feels corny and forced.

This series is "fine" and given that I only have 3 episodes to go I'll continue it, but it is far from great or good even. Don't get me wrong, it isn't bad by any means, the actors are good, but it isn't anything special unfortunately. Much like the previous spin-offs, there's some good stuff sprinkled throughout. I liked Matthew Jeffers as Nat and Craig Tate as Donald Okafor for example.

Apparently according to one reviewer--if you give this a 6 it just shows "how jealous, miserable and sad you are" Really? I am only 3 episodes in but this a 7 at the very best. Of course that reviewer gave it a 10/10.... Jealous? Yes, I'm jealous you can enjoy it so much, I wish I could. I really want to like these shows, but they're making it hard for me too.

Giving this show an 8 or above is preposterous. That would pretty much mean it is up there with the all-time greats. Madness. It is fine to have a guilty pleasure show, but don't be silly now. This is far from captivating television, it isn't anything we haven't seen before. The CRM stuff in particular is rather far-fetched and dull at the same time. We've more or less already seen this with the Commonwealth.

Compared to the heyday, TWD "universe" practically has a cult following at this point, which is evident from the 8.9 score with "only" 11K votes. Increase those votes to 200k, and the score would probably 7.5 give or take. The simple reason why the viewing figures dropped for the TWD is the writing, and that still applies today sadly.

Update after ep 6: ---------------------

It is actually depressing this is the best they could do. The ending with the family reuniting... When the scene first started I did briefly start feeling emotional, but the more it went on the more cheesy and unnatural it felt. At one point the child actor for RJ even briefly looks at the camera. The music accompanying it as the scene closes is as corny as it gets. Unbelievable that this is what we got. What is just as annoying are the "fans" gushing over this show. Sad.

No wonder AMC has no incentive to hire actual talent when these NPCs are loving this tripe. I suppose it makes sense-- written by NPCs, watched by NPCs.

The flashbacks were just a sad reminder of a better show. Particularly the early ones when Carl was a little child.

If had the choice to go back I wouldn't watch it.
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