Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024– )
if you are not a 20/30-something couple you will be bored ....
3 March 2024
.... And probably many of you who are will also be bored also here zero moral compass banalization of state/or private entity agency murder like it is a 9-5 decent activity with dental and retirement plan and of course a hefty wage

Jesus .... this is a new low these 2 make a totally unbelievable pair but of course now ; problem here they have no visible chemistry and are both so dull as these characters that one would feel taking a cheesegrater to one's thighs might keep one awake

It is mildly OK from time to time but overall dull dull dull banal chat banal concerns platitudestan the region they move across yep waste of celluloid mostly ... who writes dialogues like this and gets a green light? Baffling.

This is about couples .... not about agents ....
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