A decent start
1 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was a fan for several years, getting my fiancé and older children into it as well (as they hit an appropriate age of course). Then life got in the way, and the last two-ish seasons happened without me being able to watch the main series. Of course the announcement of the end of the series galvanized me to rewatch and I remembered why I was such a huge fan before. I have started on the other newer spin-offs and will likely watch World Beyond again since I believe I missed the last few episodes. I watched FWD until roughly the last two seasons as well. All this to say, the little bit of non-toddler friendly TV time I get I am usually very selective about.

On to the review itself:

I was downright mad when they exited Rick from TWD and have been eager to see him resurface within this universe. I was equally mad when I realized Michonne would also not be making a reappearance in the main series. I was able to watch this last night finally, and overall think it was pretty decent.

The Good: I enjoyed the dream dynamic, and seeing some of the rebuilding of civilization. I liked the consignees aspect was how you won your way in, it was a juxtaposion with how this was purely punishment elsewhere within the universe. Of course I was excited to see Rick himself again and to see him and Michonne meet at the end of the episode.

The Meh: My family generally bans me from voicing my speculations on shows because I often guess plot lines, I was patient with the jumbled/non-sensical opening because I usually enjoy a puzzle. But, had it not been the only episode available, I probably would have backed out to ensure that I was really on the episode I was. Some of the jumble just felt like they did not know what else to put there. I didn't find Rick cutting off his hand super believable, and thought making that happen so soon into the episode itself was a mistake. Rick Grimes has been missing for a while, that short moment we saw at the end of the main series wasn't enough to reintroduce him. Instead of backfilling his desperation, I would have liked to see a little more of it first. Doing something so contradictory to the character we remember immediately out of the gate fell a little flat. There were a few other moments that felt out of sync as well, I do not believe he would have just given up his escape efforts at any point. It is just very off brand for him.

The Bad: A bit of the dialogue was a flat. It was only the first episode, so a bit of grace and all that, but there was one truly likable new character.

As of now, I still plan on watching this mini-series. I am curious where the next few episodes will bring us, and would ultimately like to see the whole family reunite again.
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