Review of Lucky Stiff

Lucky Stiff (2014)
silly but fun. directed by C. Ashley.
19 February 2024
Jason alexander from seinfeld and dennis farina from burglar, get shorty, midnight run. Brit actor dominic marsh is harry witherspoon, who inherits tons of money from his uncle. But to get it, he must do some crazy things! And he's up against rita, who also wants that money. Which might have been embezzled. And we're not quite sure what luigi is up to. Harry meets him and his entourage on the train to monte carlo. Will harry ever get to monte carlo? And will he inherit the six million dollars? And... it's a musical. With great numbers like "it's fun to be alive" and "lucky stiff". It's goofy and silly. Some weekend at bernie's going on. Every time they shoot someone, the killer sings a song! Some animation mixed in here and there, with the live action. The songs are quite inane. But the story moves along, and while it ain't no shakespeare, it's really not so bad. Small role for juliet mills, who was the nanny! Directed by christopher ashley. Novel by michael butterworth. Looks like farina's last film.
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