The Favourite (2018)
Explaining the ending
18 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
After watching the movie and reading the reviews, I felt the need to explain its ending (in my view), as so many said it was bad or they didn't understand it.

For me, it's in fact quite simple. Abigail reached the place she wanted -- the queen's favorite -- as she managed to get rid of Sarah. And also she was not "just a servant" anymore, as she also managed to get married to a young military/gentleman from the reign.

So she thought from that point on her life would be only fun, parties, drinking and fooling around with other men, as it was portrayed in one of the last scenes.

So in the final scene, she was happily reading a book by the window and she felt so on top she almost smashed one of the bunnies with her foot. Just because she could.

But then, she found out this all comes with a cost. The boss it still the Queen, and if she wants you to rub her legs, for as long as she likes, and wants to lean on you, and doesn't want you to talk, that's what you're gonna do. And THAT'S you life from now on.

So the long final "rubbing legs" scene is just that. In Abigail's face we can see that first she gets mad, but then she realizes that's what she will have to do to maintain her position: be at the queen's will. Maybe just like any other bunny.
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