Batman: The Mad Hatter Runs Afoul (1967)
Season 2, Episode 36
18 February 2024
Are Batman and Robin DEAD???

The opening scene is Gotham City's Atomic Energy Lab where the dynamic duo have been KILLED and transformed into skeletons! The laboratory and the deadly x-ray cabinets make for one way cool set, looking even better in color. The set decorators had to have a blast putting the thing together. Art Class 101.

Word spreads EVERYWHERE Batman and Robin are officially dead --but we know better, right? In the meantime, the fiendish Mad Hatter (David Wayne) is determined to pull a switch-a-roo with Hattie Hatfield's prize ruby. Replace the real one with a big fat fake! Popular character actress Jean Hale is super, playing the Hatter's devious gal pal, Polly. Jean looked a lot like Yvonne Craig (BATGIRL), only with blonde hair.

Batman and Robin trace the Mad Hatter to the defunct Green Ruby restaurant! The BIG showdown is way atop the gigantic water tower, where the Dynamic Duo corner the Hatter and his goons. The fight scene is a trip because it's fought outside, a neat change of pace instead of the usual warehouse brawls.

In a brief scene, look for popular character actor Leonid Kinskey, playing eccentric professor Overback. Kinskey was in dozens of sitcoms, usually playing doctors and scientists. He appeared in the classic film CASABLANCA.

Note; listen for the very familiar submarine sounds from VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA in the Batcave. Charles Hoffman wrote this episode, who was long associated with the series, also working in the script department for most of the show's run. He also wrote for JOHNNY QUEST.

The gag phone number is Pennsylvania 6 -5- Oh, Oh, Oh.

There's no question David Wayne "slightly" resembles Burgess Meredith, and that's the fun part. Wayne was fantastic in this campy role, and with a wirey red moustache to match.

SEASON 2 EPISODE 36 remastered color.
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