13 February 2024
Advertising executive Bob Cummings is having a nervous breakdown. His advertising campaign for make-up is being whipsawed by the client, his former fiancee Anna Sten. His boss tells him to deal with something entirely different, a book by psychiatrist J. O. Loring, who turns out to be Hedy Lamarr. She has a partner and love interest in Robert Shaye, and this romantic comedy will play out about as you expect it will.

Director Richard Wallace has a fine farceur and minor slapstick talent in Cummings, but the other three don't add anything to the laughs. Mary Treen offers some cynical amusement as Miss Lamarr's receptionist, and other comics on hand include Billy Bevan, Byron Foulger, and Lucien Littlefield. The result is a decent but not consistently funny comedy, although you can always look at Miss Lamarr during the slow spells while the plot plays out.
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