Dubious Doppelganger
6 February 2024
The Man Who Haunted Himself (1970): A bit dated in attitudes to societal roles something it shares with it's contemporaneous film No Blade Of Grass but it's not as good or influential as Blade. Harold Pelham (Roger Moore) an upper middle c;ass businessman is involved in a near fatal car accident which appears to have set a doppelganger loose after he briefly "dies" on the operating table. The double is his dark side, taking on corporeal form, appearing at his club when he's out of the country, womanising, getting involved in dodgy business deals. An interesting portrait of a man descending into existential despair and paranoia, doubting his own sanity. Good (double) performance by Moore but a few too many stiff upper lips about. It's based om an Alfred Hitchcock Presents episode, it was perhaps overextended and might worked netter with a 45 minute running time. Written and directed by Basil Dearden (who died in a car accident shortly after completing the film, cur Twilight Zone theme), 6/10.
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