Circus is Full of Clowns
2 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Three Ring Circus

I was rolling my eyes so much watching this movie I think they still haven't settled down. If there's one thing I can't watch, it's people making utter fools of themselves on account of someone they "love." And it's even worse when it's someone they're simply infatuated with.

This drivel starred Clara Bow, Richard Arlen, and Kay Francis. Richard Arlen played Larry Lee, the best high wire act in the world. He was touring with Brock's Circus. His act included his girlfriend Zara (Kay Francis) and a guy named Tony (David Newell). Larry was zany for Zara. He couldn't see straight; he was so in love with her. As for Zara, she was seeing Tony on the side, which is Kay Francis doing Kay Francis things. She's an automatic for infidelity. Just watch "Scandal Sheet," "Transgression," "Guilty Hands," "Ladies' Man," "Street of Women," "Trouble in Paradise," or "Behind the Make-Up." In every one of these movies she was either the side chick or seeing someone on the side herself.

Larry was ignorant to Zara's games until he was informed by his secret admirer, a girl named Pat (Clara Bow). Pat was the single reason I could barely watch this bunkum. She was so utterly hung up on Larry she would damn near sell her soul for his attention and the dude didn't even know her name. She was bending over backwards all throughout the movie for him to like her and it was embarrassing. The second-hand embarrassment I felt for her was palpable. If I could've reached through the screen and slapped some sense into her--1930's style--I would have.

Here's what she did:

1.) She outed Zara to Larry. 2.) She fawned over him after he fell from the high wire. 3.) She sent him her last $50 to entice him back to the circus. 4.) She traveled to Memphis just to talk him back into rejoining the circus. 5.) She designed a new act for him. 6.) She got him the courage to get back on the wire.

Then what did he do? He had the circus manager, Brock (Anders Randolf), call up his old flame Zara to have her rejoin the circus with him. He didn't give one passing thought to Pat and what she'd done, yet there she was dutifully tending to her crush.

What do you think happened between Larry and Zara? She two-timed the poor fool again. And who was there to pick him back up? Pat, with one last sacrifice for her dear Larry. She sacrificed her job for him.

I'm done with these circus movies. "Polly of the Circus," "Swing High," and this nonsense were all busts.

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