Review of 10

10 (1979)
Maybe A 1970's 10.....
1 February 2024
Ten is regarded as a 1970's classic comedy from the director Blake Edwards, who is most famous for the Pink Panther series. However its arguable that 10 has had as much cultural impact as the Pink Panther.

Ten tells the story of a successful middle aged musician who apparently has a mid life crisis when he sees Bo Dereks character, which causes his to re-evaluate his long term relationship with his partner played by Julie Andrews. While this is a comedy it's not nearly as funny as other Blake Edwards movies. Certainly not on a par with the Panther stuff.

The main reason this film is known is its depiction of the male mid life crisis, which from the 1970's feminist tinged version here its seriously outdated. It attempts to pain Dudley Moore's character as somehow pathetic, but this is a highly successful millionaire driving around in a Rolls and living in a massive house in a well to do area. So not much pathetic here. The movie also attempts to suggest that his argumentative feminist wife who picks fights out of thin area is somehow in the right. When its obvious she is a huge PITA. And of course we know Dudley is "having a mid-life crisis" because he sees another woman he wants to have sex with. If that is the definition of crisis then that is every male on the planet. He goes about pursuing this pretty woman until the penny drops that she is nothing special, just another pretty face While there are some humorous moments this movie is far too long at 2 hours. The women are always right politics of the movie are tired, especially when you consider that due to his career this is a man who could have pretty much any woman he wanted. He certainly wouldn't have to put up with Julie Andrews character who by the way is a single mother with a mouthy son in tow, or her attempts to turn Dudley's character into one of those men who claims to be a feminist in order to live a quiet life at home.

Dudley Moore's made a career out of playing bumbling male leads, clueless with women, similar to Woody Allen. Which is why for me this movie doesn't work. Men who have the resources as he does aren't stuck for opportunities. For 10 to make any sense he would have to be older, poorer and actually tied to a female through marriage and kids. Dudley's character had none of these traits. In terms of Bo Derek, yes she is nice but not a 10. She is however another obvious 1970's feminism throwback, that of the so called "sexually liberated" woman who sleeps with random men on a whim. It seems that even a movie which is supposed to be about the male experience couldn't simply be about that without having to be from a feminists view. These types of movies are in the main about trying to ridicule men and their experience. Its no wonder the ratings of this movie have fallen over a cliff edge over the years.

Its a competently made movie, just over-long, not that funny and obviously feminist. Not exactly an attractive prospect for its intended male audience.
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