A modern cinematic classic!
18 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Once every blue moon, a director produces a film which brings together some of the world's most talented actors, a gripping storyline and a fully believable plot and with 'My Mothers Stalker', David DeCoteau has delivered a truly modern masterpiece which sets the benchmark by which all films should be judged.

All the actors are at the top of their game.... Clayton James is in outstanding form as Dr Paul Cavanagh and one can only wonder as to why the viewing public haven't seen him in other cinematic tour de forces. Emmanuelle Vaugier is an actress of great talent and never disappoints but even she is overshadowed by the wonderful Diane Verhiel as the detective. It is a rare thing to have the pleasure of experiencing such an outstanding thespian bringing authenticity and believability to a role but Ms Verhiel carries it out with huge aplomb.

I won't spoil your viewing pleasure by regurgitating the plot as other less discerning reviewers have already done so but needless to say, you will be delighted, intrigued and terrified in equal measure.

Although all the lead thespians deliver truly memorising performances, mention should be made of Howard Markson as Dr Berg who is obviously an actor of undoubted talent but wasn't given enough screen time to showcase his acting credentials.

Ultimately, this silver screen smorgasbord should act as a precautionary tale for middle aged attractive ladies to avoid high school reunions at which their former childhood sweethearts attend and for psychopathic doctors/aviators to avoid the propellor blades of light aircraft.

Hugely recommended!
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