Inuyasha (2000–2004)
All in all
17 January 2024
All in all, I really adore Inuyasha. The mangaka Rumiko Takahashi assists with the illustrations, so even while the artwork is excellent, there are instances in the movies where it falters.

Although the plot is straightforward and simple to follow, it does seem to go on forever, so if you can sit through a long anime, this might be for you.

Each of the brilliantly developed characters has a running joke of their own. With the exception of Kagome, every character has a troubled and sometimes tragic past that frequently involves the loss of a loved one. Miroku is by far my favorite. He is a womanizing, perverse monk who makes out with almost any girl. Some characters, like the cute fox demon Shippo, on the other hand, only have a small part and very few or no fight sequences. However, that only makes up a tiny portion of his gags.

There is a lot of blood in some of the good conflicts. But the fights are brief, and it feels like Inuyasha does the majority of the work all the time. (As he has said on a few occasions). The others appear to be recovering and employ the same techniques. Sango, a demon slayer, for instance, utilizes her Hirakotsu, a massive boomerang that she frequently uses to beat Miroku when he makes advances toward other girls or touches her butt, but she also carries a sword that she hardly ever uses. I believe I've only seen it three times, and the only time I can recall it is right before she is going to use it on Kohaku, her younger brother, who is under the main evil guy's influence and doesn't remember slaughtering their entire town.

Throughout the entire series, the romance is my favorite aspect. It's not as romantic as it is sweet. However, it's the kind that fills you with warmth on the inside. Regretfully, the romance doesn't really get much better. (Excluding Sango and Miroku). Additionally, a massive love net exists. However, as I mentioned, there are a lot of sweet spots. (Well, I know that Inuyasha's brother Sesshomaru is a fave for all of you fangirls. Yes, I'm not a snob.)

Overall, I think Inuyasha is a good anime-my personal favorite. If you're patient and enjoy a good laugh, watch it. It features bloody fight scenes and charming romance moments typical of an anime.
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