Fascinating biopic
17 January 2024
In this fascinating biopic of Paul Reuter, Edward G. Robinson stars and transforms into yet another very convincing non-gangster. For someone remembered most for Little Caesar, it's astonishing how many roles in his career were intelligent, sensitive men. In this period piece, he plays a dedicated inventor who wants people to be able to communicate with each other quickly. He develops the carrier pigeon service by training the pigeons to fly between two cities. No one believes in him or gives him financial backing until his birds save the lives of countless children who are about to be poisoned by the wrong medicine. He still has an uphill battle, particularly against slimy and selfish villain Gene Lockhart, and he puts his entire heart and soul into his business. From pigeons to telegrams to stock trading to newspapers, he transforms Europe and the rest of the world.

If you're interested in the historical story, you'll love this movie. I don't know how historically accurate it is about his personal life, but his inventions and systems have truly changed our lives. You might want to check out Eddie G in the same year's drama, Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet, in which he stars as the man who cured syphilis. On a sweeter note, I loved the romance between Eddie G and Edna Best. There is a friendship and business relationship with Eddie Albert, but Albert's character is silly and irresponsible. Eddie G and Edna are adorable as they fall in love at first sight. He's too shy to make a move until he knows of her feelings, but as soon as he does, he sends a carrier pigeon with an important question: will she marry him? He stands at the window of the pigeon coop for hours, anxiously awaiting her reply. It's so adorable! History buffs might not care about his proposal, but Hollywood fans will find it very endearing.
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