The Beatles: Yellow Submarine (1968 Music Video)
We all live in a Yellow Submarine
14 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hey, this music video is just a bunch of clips from the Yellow Submarine movie by George Dunning set to the Beatles song.

It is still a delight to watch, mostly due the vibrant visual creativity that movie had in each one of its scenes, still feeling fresh and whimsical even after all this time.

Sure, Yellow Submarine might be pretty much a product of its time, with its psychedelic aesthetic heavily influenced by the works of Peter Max...But watching it still remains to be a highly enjoyable experience, filled with a sincere childlike sense of wonder most of modern movies totally lack, often resulting in empty spectacles devoid of soul.

Technology might be able to perform incredible tasks nowadays, but lacks heart and imagination. Movies and even works of art are fabricated in the same way as fast food. And a culture based in such kind of stuff simply results in poison for the mind.

There won't be any Yellow Submarine equivalent in this era, just in the same way there won't be any modern equivalent of the Beatles. There is no room in modern culture to develop a similar talent: Everything in the arts has to produce a quick profit or it is deemed worthless, resulting in a lot of awful trash being put on a pedestal.

What kind of world the next generations will inherit, when society only keeps encouraging people to start acting like machines? Now machines think for ourselves. Now machines make the "art".

How can people accept all that without hesitation? In what moment we as a society completely lost any trace of critical thinking in exchange for mindless consummerism?
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