Here's Lucy: Lucy and Her Prince Charming (1972)
Season 5, Episode 12
Lucy's Prince Has Come
8 January 2024
Harry stands to gain a fortune if he arranges a marriage between Lucy and the incognito Prince she's been seeing.

First, the good: Lucy acts like a lady in this episode -- no zany shenanigans. I know that was her bread-and-butter but it's always a nice change of pace when she behaves like a normal human being and let's someone else do the clowning. In this case, it's Harry -- who desperately wants her to marry Prince Philip of Montalbania so Harry can claim somewhat of a "finder's fee".

Gale Gordon gets to dress up like a gypsy violin player and a chubby harem girl before he crashes Lucy and Philip's date by emerging from the back seat of their car. These quick-cut scenes were unusual for the series, so they stand out as a series of vignettes.

The bad: Ricardo Montalban is a boring guest star who doesn't really bring anything to the table here. And Harry ends up getting wet -- AGAIN.

Kim's bridesmaid dress makes her look like a Stepford Wife and she does a Snow White impression.
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