8 January 2024
Even if You have NEVER visited COLOMBIA.... I am SURE You will ENJOY this AMAZING film! ....If You HAVE... You will really LOVE it!

Before diving in... FIRST... Let us FOCUS on the Title´s Content and Context:

Los VIAJES Del VIENTO/JOURNEYS Of The WIND is definitely an acquired taste. Embarrassingly... I must admit...My wife and I fell asleep the first time we saw it, being very tired, and probably missed over half the film. The vibrant music and some of the images kept on resonating in our brains! So...We decided to see it again. Lucky twist of fate, that! JOURNEYS Of The WIND (My title translation) took us places we had never been, showed us sights we had never seen and treated us to music we had never heard. One thing is for sure: Majagual, Colombia is about as far away from Hollywood as you could ever get!

28 year-old director Ciro Guerra's stated goal in making JOURNEYS: Share his spiritual communion connection with Vallenatos. (A style of Colombian music, the popularity of which has been growing exponentially outside its borders for three decades) With one brief, inconspicuous exception, there are literally no "Time-markers" in JOURNEYS!

Like music itself, this film is TIMELESS! A folkloric Faustian music video psycho-drama that should appeal to anyone who one Sunday morning might say "Today I feel like an art exhibit in the morning, an international music festival in the afternoon and an exotic foreign film at night!" JOURNEYS facilitates doing all three at once. Director Guerra purposefully uses each frame as a canvass.

Music in cinema is usually tailored to images as something of an afterthought. Here, it seems as if Guerra has molded his visuals to the music, with a startlingly refreshing and keenly aesthetic look. JOURNEYS, reflecting real life, does not spoon feed you anything. SH*T happens...You make of it what you may!

8.5********* (Perhaps 10* after our 3rd viewing!?!?!?)


Any Comments, Questions or Observations... In ENGLISH... o en ESPAÑOL... are most Welacome!
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