Queen of the seas
7 January 2024
Redhead Mary is a girl who dresses like a man to better approach, and rob the jewels worn by the pretty ladies of her time. The King's Guard captures her, and she finds herself in the same cell with Peter Goodwin, a nobleman - who pretends to be a robber like her, to flirt with her and breaks her heart when she discovers he just a Casanova. Motivated by revenge, Lisa joins the cutthroat crew of one Captain Poof (Walter Barnes). Belying his name, the Captain isn't one to be trifled with-but then, neither is Lisa. When the captain dies, the only 'man' aboard who is respected by every faction among the pirates is... Mary. She represents a menace to the Florida Governor, who invites a nobleman to lead the King's naval forces against the pirates: Peter Goodwin, her former lover...

What sets this Italian pirate film apart is the humour - there's some wittty dialogue and funny moments such as when Jerome Courtland's lothario character is given the choice to join the military or marry - one look at his prospective beau makes him join the military academy. Lisa Gastoni and Jerome Courtland play their parts well, their love and conflict is well done and gives this film an amusing flavour. Not loaded with action, ship battles are brief and standard, but the plot and humour are the good points.
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