Review of Q Planes

Q Planes (1939)
Viking secrets
7 January 2024
The British are flying test planes that keep disappearing and Major Ralph Richardson (Charles) thinks he knows what is happening. His theory is one of espionage and he is correct. Laurence Olivier (McVane) plays a pilot who is destined to fly one of these doomed planes. Can the British prevent their secrets from falling into enemy hands? Well, this is played as a comedy so I think you know the answer.

This film is carried primarily by Richardson who wins the acting honours hands down over his rival Olivier. He is funnier and has a more powerful screen presence - the true lead in this film. Olivier is unintentionally funny as he is so unnecessarily angry and shouts his dialogue, originating the Whit Bissel-style employed in the 1960s "Time Tunnel" series. There is no need for Olivier to be such a horrid man and he comes out second best to undercover journalist Valerie Hobson (Kay) during their scenes together as well.

As for the story, you need to pay attention, and, on occasion, we know that it is English that is being spoken but you may struggle to decipher what they are saying. The story gets pretty stupid at the end with Olivier and a machine gun. How easy it is resolved - let's break out and shoot everyone. OK, And off they go. Ha ha. Total nonsense.

You should be able to guess the news that Sandra Storme (Daphne) tries to tell Richardson throughout the course of the film. It's an ok film to watch but no need to revisit.
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