Night Swim (2024)
Not The Best Start To 2024 For Horror's
5 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah, just got back from seeing this film & to be honest, I wasn't exactly wowed in any way, shape or form by it.

The film sees a family who not long after moving into their new home, discover their swimming pool is haunted by an evil spirit.

I found the film to be ok, but not amazing or even above average. It's premise & concept is interesting & unique, though not quite in some aspects given I've seen films like this one before or similar.

The film has not bad pacing & a runtime of 1 hour & 29 minutes, which isn't bad, but could've been shorter for a film with such a simple & basic concept. I'm saying it dragged a tad bit, but isn't too long that it out stays its welcome.

The actors do a good job with their roles, though I do feel the characters could've used a bit more depth, I felt more from the male protagonist than the others who seemed cardboard & a bit flat.

The scares & visuals are not bad, but again, could've used some work & depth to add to the terror. The ending isn't bad, but anti climatic & sad, so it's not a victor type ending to be honest falls short, given that it isn't the pay-off that I was hoping for.

Overall, it's ok, but it's pretty weak & lacks a great deal of impact. For 89 minutes, it isn't too bad, but not even average or above. The actors do well with their roles despite all but one of them lacking depth & as unique as the story & concept is, it in itself, could've used a great deal of depth to make it more meaty & interesting, that includes the scares & visuals. The ending was pretty anti climatic too & could've used some work.

Give it a watch, but don't expect much from this one. It sure isn't a great start to 2024 for Horrors, but we're only 10 minutes into January, so, here's hoping...

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