Connections 2 (1994– )
Good but lacks the original's flair
29 December 2023
Connections 2 is less memorable than the original, and I'm saying that as someone who just watched both at the same time, not someone sunk into nostalgia.

There is a bit too much smugness. For example, you'll find phrases like "He wanted to discover X to Y wouldn't happen. He did, so it didn't." Cute turn of phrase, but you're confusing me.

I found Connections 2 overall less thematic and more confusing to follow. The original show had more signposts to remind the viewer where we've been and where we were going.

The show goes into topics like Robin Hood that don't involve the history of science, and what science there is often is a repeated topic from the original Connections.

Still, I did learn a few things, so 7 out of 10.
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