Monk: Mr. Monk and the UFO (2009)
Season 8, Episode 3
Dissing on so-called "conspiracy theorists"
21 December 2023
Monk is one-layered show in my opinion. It's watchable and at times genuinely funny, but I find no depth, credibility whatsoever with the character. Serves as a mixture of Columbo and Murder She Wrote, that's it.

That said, single-layer stories are welcome on TV long as we are entertained. And yes, this episode was entertaining enough, at least on the visual front, with the costumed alien chasers whatnot.

But I find it extremely condescending for the creators of such a show to paint the "community" of UFO chasers the way they have. All are idiots, eh? Really?

I honesly didn't get for what reason Monk refused to believe in the possibility of an actual alien encounter. He didn't have counter-evidence to that. He had nothing, yet he kept his mental distance from these people who were portrayed as tin foil hat crazies.

What people tag as "conspiracy theories" are at times closer to the truth than mainstream acceptances and official declarations. Lack of belief in anything other than "proven facts" contradicts with the mindset of creative writing.

I got the feeling they were smirking at their own audience. A glimpse at the possibility of another, this time an actual alien spaceship could have been nice in the end.
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