Fine But Overrated Vagda Documentary
21 December 2023
Gleaning is the art of foraging the remains of a good harvest. A dying art dating back to the biblical times, Vagda documents the changes in attitude towards the practice: from potato field to an abandoned grape fields to the city where the produce are left to rot.

Probably one of the earliest major works of digital filmmaking, it kinda shows with the matter-of-fact presentation of her subject. Often considered as Vagda's greatest documentary, it is a fun yet often times reflective documentary where the freedom of having a smaller camera is often felt. Vagda just glides in an almost paparazzi like gaze in her subject with freedom maybe not seen since the 60's New Wave. She talks to them directly almost predicting modern vlogging styles of today.

Does this feel like her second best film?

Not really. I think the subject matter is cool and how she presents is unique and higly personal BUT it just feels a bit run in the mill. I think this is an evening program-esque documentary that you have definitely have seen AND I feel like that how she presents it is unique but not noteworthy enough. Documentaries like 20 Years Later or Emperor's Naked Army or Streetwise has a more vivid subject on style ratio. Le Bonheur and Vagabond still is her better film but Cleo is still her best by far.

Overall, just fine.
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