this is the worst COD i've ever played.
10 December 2023
I've tried really hard to like this game but i'm done with it... the multiplayer is absolute garbage. There's been moments where i've unloaded 5 shots in to an opposing player and it's been confirmed by the hit marker sound and then they turn and floor me with two shots to the body with the same class of gun im using. I spend more time looking for opposition players than killing them and then when i do im again gunned down easily even if i've hit them more times than they have me. I'm not a novice at these games and played them for years and prestiged fully in every game i've owned so i know its not me at fault here..i was also just kicked for inactivity for protecting a domination point with a sniper for a few minutes while my team were being bombarded by the enemy so you are now kicked if you are holding off the enemy and stuck in the same area for too long and don't want to die in the process .... pathetic . There's no multiplayer progression screen after a match and you have to go and hunt down what calling cards/guns you have earned and how well you're progressing on the battle pass and what rank you are. And now instead of opening new equipment by progressing through levels, once you hit level 25 on multiplayer you have to complete daily missions to obtain them. So if you want to unlock something you have to be able to complete challenges you might not be good at.this is unfair for players tat just can't grasp certain guns or are able to play as good as others. It's a small complaint but it just adds to the crappyness of the whole experience. Also zombies mode isn't the classic zombies we know and love it's some free roaming level with mini missions and some zombies randomly chase you. Its very easy and is boring and is not in the slightest bit fun.

I really regret buying this game. I was having so much fun on mw2 recently and i thought that this would be a step up but it's far worse than i could have imagined. Basically bought the same game i did years ago but this time it doesn't work properly and its constantly asking me to buy stuff i don't want. Even in the menu its asking me to buy the game im currently playing.

This is the last time i buy a COD game because its nothing more than a shameless cash grab and the money they are asking for the product is just not worth it. Im selling this first chance i get.
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