If you watch Asylum, expect Alysum, and as such, its watchable.
6 December 2023
The Asylum are known to make "mockbusters" or basically "rip-offs" of big budget movies but with a very small budget themselves and i think they are mostly aimed for TV. As such if you decide to watch one of their movies, you can't expect great production quality and amazing storytelling.

I knew what i was getting into before watching it and as such, its not terrible. Some of the over the top acting/characters are kinda funny. There is even one character where they added cartoon sound effects, basically without any reason, and its kinda funny.

The plot is a bit hard to follow at first, because they kinda mixmatch fairy tales monsters with other worlds and so on, but ultimately the movie is basically an hostile take over movie.

There is very few locations, and the sets look kinda cheap. The acting like i said is goofy and over the top, but on purpose, and on that side it worked for me. The fights were kinda subpar but not the worst i ever seen and sometimes the blood was decent when the real liquid was use, sometimes its some cheap CGI splash and it look terrible. And the story is servicable at best, but once again i saw worst.

Overall its a cheap movie true and true and you should expect just that. Its not the "best" Alysum movie i seen, neither the worst, and its really reserved for peoples who can enjoy a "so bad its good" type of movies or someone who by morbid curiosity want to see what a Suicide Squad ripoff could look like. If you have no idea what you signing for, then i can understand you may really dislike it. For me it passed time with its 90 min runtime.
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