Jerusalem (1996)
Swedish Classic based upon a Novella by NOBEL PRIZE winner Selma LAGERLÖF
3 December 2023
Between his two works (DAS GEISTERHAUS / The HOUSE of the SPIRITS // FRÄULEIN SMILLAS GESPÜR FÜR SCHNEE / SMILLAS SENSE OF SNOW) for CONSTANTIN producer Bernd EICHINGER, the Danish director Bille AUGUST fulfilled his dream and made this Swedish film based on a novella by the Swedish Nobel Prize winner for literature Selma LAGERLÖF.

It tells the story of a small community in Sweden at the end of the 19th century, which falls into religious madness and emigrates together to the Holy Land. The young lovers Ingmar (Ulf FRIBERG) and Gertrud (Maria BONNEVIE) also get caught up in the turmoil of this religious enthusiasm, which doesn't end well...

A quiet and impressive film that is rarely seen in German-speaking countries. I remember a TV broadcast sometime in the nineties.

Pernilla AUGUST, ACADEMY AWARD nominee Max von SYDOW and ACADEMY AWARD winner Olympia DUKAKIS can also be seen in other roles.
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