Review of Green Ice

Batman: Green Ice (1966)
Season 2, Episode 19
2 December 2023
Probably due to his many over the top interviews on tv talk shows, and director Otto Preminger was in a world of his own, he no doubt won the part of one of the most campy and unforgettable Batman villains, MR. FREEZE. And he is sooo much fun to watch.

As a result of a laboratory accident, Mr. Freeze (actually Dr. Shivel) had no choice but wear an insulated suit that was intricately set at a mere 50 degrees below zero. This may be one of the reasons the good doctor tended to be a bit irritable at the world at times!

Diabolical Mr. Freeze returns to Gotham City to begin "Operation Hate Batman," and everything really, really bad that comes with it. First and foremost, he plans to ruin the caped crusader's reputation once and for all. And if all else fails -- destroy him.

This is also the famous episode where you can see a bandage on Burt Ward's (Robin) arm, the result of yet another trip to the ER. Ward, in later years, said that Adam West, being the star, had a stunt double. But because he was second banana, Ward had to do all the stunts himself and often paid a high price! Translation: the producers were cheap!

In as much as Preminger got a lot fanfare from this bizarro role, behind the scenes he was very difficult to work with. Alan Napier commented that Preminger often talked down to him, like he WAS a real butler! Not a fun guy to work with, as compared to the likes of Burgess Meredith or Cesar Romero.

Two additional guest stars shine here; queen of cult films, Marie Windsor plays Nellie and popular actress Dee Hartford plays Miss Iceland! Dee appeared in such classic shows as TWILIGHT ZONE and PERRY MASON, but her claim to fame was being married to legendary director Howard Hawks.

Lots of crazy stuff packed in this episode, but Mr. Freeze steals the show. He is one of a kind you will never forget. Applause to the makeup crew for bringing to life this way incredible character.

MUST SEE TV. Season 2 Episode 19 remastered dvd box set.
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