Rated X??
16 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I Drink Your Blood is the first film to be rated X for graphic violence so needless to say it's pretty hardcore for something made in 1970. The story follows a group of hippie Satanists who go to a small town and rough up a young woman and her grandfather then force-feed the grandfather LSD. The woman's kid brother takes revenge by extracting blood from a rabid dog and injecting it into meat pies that the hippie Satanists later eat; which in turn causes them to become rabid hippie zombies. The acting is horrific and the story is so full of plot holes that it's borderline incoherent. The gore effects are actually quite graphic for 1970 including severed limbs, a decapitation and a lot of blood (though not much actual blood drinking.) Realistically though, just look at the title; you know a film called I Drink Your Blood is not going to be superior filmmaking; just gritty, gory, grind house exploitation. If that's what you're looking for in a film than I Drink Your Blood is a flick for you.
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