Just so bad.
3 November 2023
I hadn't read one thing about this but was excited to see Meg Ryan again - finally. And, she was great and quirky, and looked fantastic.

But after about six minutes I said to my husband, "Oh my God, this scene is dragging!" Little did I know...that was just the first six minutes of basically the same two-hour scene. The film is composed of mostly arguing and negativity in a dreary, empty airport setting. (And the two characters kept leaving all of their stuff all over the airport which drove us nuts. Cups, snacks, luggage, phones. This became very distracting.) Also, there were about 12 different shots of the same aerial view of some shut-down airport. I guess to indicate the passage of time. We didn't need a reminder that time was passing!

Also, when people are stranded in a airport due to weather, it's highly unlikely that the entire airport seems to be empty except for the two actors and about six other background wanderers.

I will give both actors credit for excellent acting. And over time you do kinda learn about their past relationship with several emotional disclosures, a few bits of wisdom, and two or three minor chuckles. Think of it as a Rom-Com - short on Com. Wait for streaming, watch 6-8 minutes and call 'er bueno. You'll feel better. (PS...still love you, Meg!)
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