26 October 2023
This would have been a decent show if they turned off the annoying pun based music and had some likeable presenters

Martin Roberts might be knowledgeable about the property business, but in this series he appears Very tired and bored, shows zero enthusiasm

Jacqui and Dion don't know anything about property and were chosen for very obvious reasons, this is the BBC after all

Dion is just annoying and an attention seeker, very childish, constantly trying to be funny And failing

Martell loves to over exaggerate and be dramatic for no reason ,regularly screeches

Tommy Walsh is a decent guy,but is in ill health And really struggles, he should take it easy and retire

They sacked the only good presenter,the delightful Lucy Alexander , This is typical from the BBc, surprised they didn't replace her with Alison Hammond

Even theme tune is also annoying and obtrusive.
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