Hatchet (2006)
Always a Fun Pick From the Slasher Shelf
23 October 2023
SPOOKTOBER chapter 17: Re-Watch of a 2000's Horror

Perhaps not as polished, iconic or unique as some other horror franchises, but in 2006 (might as well have been 1986) a new slasher legend was born. To this date having collected 4 movies and many heads, Victor Crowley began his killing spree in the swamps of New Orleans 17 years ago.

"Hatchet" franchise is almost entirely born and bred by Adam Green, a horror director, writer and admirer whom I like very much, both as a filmmaker and character. His portfolio includes "Frozen", "Spiral", "Chillerama", the overlooked found footage piece "Digging up the Marrow" and, of course, other "Hatchets".

A couple friends on a holiday dig too deep into the available local attractions, and wind up taking the New Orleans haunted swamps boat tour with a bunch of other tourists of various vibes. They find out way too late that the legend of disfigured Victor Crowley, done wrong by bullies long ago, might be all too true. Well, it's basically Jason Voorhees, but surrounded by more comedy, gore and the genre 2000's traditions...

"Hatchet" is happily aware of what it is, a gorily entertaining horror comedy with glorious moments of blood splatter. Some may want "Hatchet" universe to be more dark and grim, but the comedic clothing helps the overall dynamic. There's a good cast who seem to enjoy their time, top it off with a cameo by Robert Englund (Freddy Krueger), and Kane Hodder (A horror icon known to most as one of the Jasons) portraying Victor Crowley himself, plus another additional role. And it's all visually appealing enough as well, like an expensive B horror flick, all-inclusive with practical FX.

The whole romp is quite predictable, it's undeniably a flawed slasher homage, but certainly a fun addition to the appropriate genre lists. Besides "Hatchet 3", which fell a bit, perhaps because of Adam Green skipping director's chair, the rest of the sequels are at least on the same level as the beginning of the massacre. Don't miss it if you like slashers! My rating: 6/10.
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