My Happy Marriage (2023– )
Boring, poorly paced, and awful world building
14 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly don't get the hype for this show. The first two to three episodes were good, building up the characters and them getting together. I thought it was pretty cute. Not mind blowing, but enjoyable. Then the show started to get into this whole family power drama where all of a sudden everyone wants this girl and she's the most important girl in the world and she has hidden powers and all this stuff. The power system in this show is NOT well made at all; literally just slapped it on there with no background or actual world building at all. Besides that, the show has such a weird structure.

Episodes 1-6 are about here abusive family who treat her as a slave. Then when the main guy ends up saving her and destroying the entire village, all those characters we build up for 6 episodes leave lol. Her evil sister leaves, her parents, the family, everyone. Then a NEW villain comes to create NEW evil plans to get Miyo. What? Lmao it felt so weird and I had no connection to the evil villains at all. I was never scared or fearful of our main characters and this new evil villain just came out of left field.

Not only that but everyone character in this show is dumb. We ALLLL know that miyo has powers. It's clear as day. But some reason the MAIN MALE CHARACTER doesn't know about it and is always puzzled as to why she having this nightmare. Bro SHE IS FROM A POWERFUL FAMILY. Like they spell it out to you in the second episode.

Just overall an overhyped show and very dumb.
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