How to miss an open goal...spectacularly.
12 October 2023
I was so excited when I found out about this series. Disney showing you behind the scenes of its biggest attractions and interviewing the imagineers behind them? Without having to travel to Florida and purchase a Keys to the Kingdom tour pass? I'm there!

Sadly, this show is just TERRIBLY put together. For some bizarre reason the whole episode feels like it is being played back at 2x speed, with the imagineers banned from saying more than 4 words at a time without the annoying narrator chipping in, all interspersed with 'wacky' camera angles and effects.

Hey kids, do you love TikTok? Do you have a 4 word attention span? Do you want to see some imagineers but not really hear what they have to say? Do you want to see 3 hours of info badly presented in 30 minutes? Well have at it!

Meanwhile, Disney execs are sat in a boardroom wondering why Disney+ is haemorrhaging money - if they saw this, they'd know.
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