Review of 47 Ronin

47 Ronin (2013)
Could have been epic, but missed the mark
9 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The cinematography was beautiful, the visual landscape and cultural immersion. Very interesting, but the story just seem to plod along. I didn't care about the obstacles that were placed in front of the protagonist Keanu. If you like fighting, then all that testosterone fighting would probably be enjoyable, but I'm more interested in the stories and the individual character arcs, and it was more like a sketch of these people, and the fact that they could not be together on the old Waze, and the prejudice about allowing some half breed to be Involved in their sacred rights much less involved with royalty. But there is a story here that would've been really meaningful. If it been told, why did the king allow this half bread to come home and live with them when it was break in tradition did he struggle with that and with the relationship that grew between his daughter and the half breed.? Then of course, we skip a lot of time in order to tell what happens after his death, and the importance of the witch was never really explained like, why did she care? Was someone manipulating her behind the scenes or was she just some demon that wanted to interfere with the human trajectory the special effects were cool, but the whole thing was just kind of detached, and I never really felt emotionally connected to any of the challenges they went through or the decision to die with honor at the end she was very sad one could see that, but I did not feel empathy for her at all perhaps that's the Japanese reserve That is worn like a mask over authentic emotional expressions, but she was obviously crying and at the same time there was no question of not bowing to the tradition and so it kind of felt like an oxymoron at the time the end came ....
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