Review of Hitmen

Hitmen (II) (2023)
Boring & Pace is Slower than a Snail.
7 October 2023
This movie has so many narration setup on every Hitmen introduced in the beginning, it got so utterly boring after 15 minutes of it, I had to fast forward each scene just to get to the point of the story. It's just too much detail and info that we don't need. I feel an amateur director at work here. It's like the director is trying way to hard to show his audience his styles and trademarks, but it's just not good enough.

Then there's the pacing of this story and the music too, it's almost purposely wanting to be slow paced so every mundane details of each scene is captured and conveyed to the audience. Also the use of slow motion is just overkill, it just ended up being one boring movie with countless overdrawn scenes it never needed to tell the story. I realized this director's trademark is being anal. Yep, director may think he's making art but he's really making the audience bored to death!

The trailer was good enough to hook me in because I really like these genre of hitmen movies, like Collateral or the classics Leon: The Professional and La Femme Nikita. Comedy or drama, I just want to see how the action scenes look like, the choreography of fight and gun scenes. This movie had none of it. Just one boring scene after another. You can be good anal, but pick the right scene to do so because nowadays the audience gets bored and lose their interest really fast! 5 stars only because a few scenes made me laugh but I'm being really generous here.
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