Review of 57 Seconds

57 Seconds (2023)
57 Seconds
1 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this movie I have many questions.

1. How much money did they have to pay Morgan Freeman to appear in this?

2. Did Morgan Freeman lose a bet that meant he had to do this movie?

3. Who wrote this & decided 57 seconds was a good amount of time to use as the primary plot device?

Those are just the three that came to mind first.

The lead actor is okay, but not particularly memorable for any reason. The same can be said for just about every other person in this film. The only reason I even considered watching it and continued to watch it past the first 15 minutes was because of Morgan Freeman.

The idea of being able to go back in time is intriguing, but I have seen other movies and television shows exploit the idea better.

In summary, It's always worthwhile and enjoyable to witness Morgan Freeman act, or even just to hear him speak. Sadly not even his level of charisma and acting ability & star power can save this movie.
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