Assassin's Creed: Origins (2017 Video Game)
It killed my interest in the AC series
30 September 2023
I've played through the AC series recently and finished the titles in the order in which they had been released. There are amazing entries (AC2, Revelations, Black Flag), decent ones (AC1, Brotherhood, Rogue, Syndicate) and some that are lackluster (AC3, Unity).

Then you have Origins which is a huge departure from the previous games. It introduced heavier RPG elements into the gameplay and changed the combat completely. Gone are counters and kill streaks with cool animations. The game has been moved closer so something like Dark Souls or Witcher in terms of fighting. The combat in Origins is more challenging compared to earlier entries in the AC series. However it is not more exciting or fun. Personally I'm not enjoying the combat in AC:Origins.

Then there is also the story which is messy and boring right from the get go. I've stopped playing Origins shortly after the prologue (about 5-6 hours in the game) and everything is so forgettable that it's even difficult to describe what kind of story the devs really wanted to tell. It's a supposed to be a revenge story but there is so little context about what is going on that I can't even pretend to care about any of the characters. The "villains" aren't standing out in any way so I'd want to kill them. They are just targets on a map.

In addition the game forces you to run long distances through the Egyptian deserts to reach and explore various locations. And due to the long distances and nothing happening in between you literally usually just call your horse, jump on it and then press a button to activate automatic walking to the target location while you go do something else.

I didn't really like this in a game like RDR and I like it even less so in AC:Origins due to the game not having an interesting story or any kind of memorable dialogue.

The game has only thing going for it and that is that it looks nice. But the art style feels strange at times and graphics alone also doesn't carry the game for me to make it to the end.

It's really unfortunate with Origins but as I know the combat and general gameplay have remained the same in Odyssey and Valhalla I have interest in this series anymore. They'd need another major shake up on the AC franchise for me to even look at it again...
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