Oliver's Deal (2015)
Multiple social drama spiced with dirty capitalism
29 September 2023
It is really the story of a small boy, a small Indian boy in Peru, who introduces the film by being stirred by a helicopter that suddenly invades the beautiful mountain landscape with its horrible noise. That helicopter signals an approaching doom, but no one is aware of it. Two young businessmen of New York are interested in some land in Peru, which a Peruvian colleague wants them to buy for him in exchange for some vital bonds. The moment this deal enters the story you start to suspect the worst. The small boy spends his days guarding his father's herds of sheep and a lama, and at one time the helicopter turns up again and scares the lama off. The boy spends days and nights searching for their vital lama and finally finds it, while the second young businessman is there to try to find out why this land of very high plains is so attractive for entrepreneurs. He finds the secret of the land but perishes in an accident. Meanwhile the boy and his lama are scared again by the helicopter for the third time and runs away and falls, injuring his leg on a stone. Blood poisoning develops, and he has to be brought to a hospital in Lima. The first entrepreneur offers to help them with the transport if the farmer agrees to sell his lands. The farmer has to agree to save his son's life. The son is brought to the city hospital - by that same helicopter.

There is also the story of the nurse whose mother is in horrible pains and almost dying, and to save her life she uses extortion to make a doctor prefer her as a patient to the boy. At least the nurse and her mother get happy but no one else.

It's a very moral tale prying into the mechanisms of fate how one mishap can result in a chain reaction of others with tragic results that no one desired or was responsible for. It is also beautifully made with marvellous panoramic scenes of the Andes of Peru, which the boy often admires. It is both a cold cynical account of life when things happen that should not, and a heart-rending story of what is right and what is not. Many questions are left unanswered when the film leaves us with many things to think about.
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