Their Finest Hour
28 September 2023
This is surely one of the best ever dramas about WW2 ever made.

The story is about Easy Company: a group of paratroopers from training to the DD landings and then incidents across Europe to the invasion of Germany.

It came out in 2001 and recently repeated in 2023 with all 10 episodes on Netflix.

This is compelling viewing in every single episode.

Of course, whilst it is taken from actual events it can best be described as fictionalized facts. Justifiably so as its' a work of art even though it deals with deadly serious issues.

The episodes briefly show real life members of the group recounting their experiences.

No matter how devastatingly awful events were, we viewers can never actually know how bad it was; and what we have is a brilliant attempt to live through the horrors as watchers rather than participants.

The painstaking agony of soldiers in a war is graphically revealed.

Revenge, cruelty, self-destructiveness, negligence and criminality are highlighted though the bravery and selflessness of this band of brothers shines through:

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