Enjoyed it more after a rewatch
22 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I saw this movie I still haven't seen the 2011 series. (Though I had already seen the 1999 series, so I was already familiar with some plot points, such as the Kurta Clan Massacre and Killua's past as an assassin)

I enjoyed this more after a rewatch.

I know the fandom seems to dislike a bit both movies due its "non-canonical" nature, but I liked how it explored a bit more the past of Kurapika. It also had an entertaining plot with some good figthing scenes (Giving us a chance to see how a fight of Gon and Killua against Uvogin would have turned out...Even when said "Uvogin" was actually a fake)

Not great, but still interesting anyway. Shame Retz isn't apparently a "canon" character, since her friendship with Gon and Killua was a nice touch. (Also the series has very few female characters, with most of them playing a rather secondary role)

I must admit he whole thing about stealing eyes via magic instead of poking them out considerably softens the most gruesome aspect of the Kurta Clan massacre.
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