The Detectives: Finders Keepers (1962)
Season 3, Episode 26
Finders Keepers
12 September 2023
Candy Corbett is the little girl who likes to cry wolf a lot. She has been kidnapped and released only after a ransom had been paid.

Now Captain Matt Holbrook wants her mother to release Candy to go to Mexico. So she can identify a man called Hogan suspected to be her kidnapper.

Captain Navas of the Mexico police is holding him. Hogan is desperately attempting to bribe his way out of jail.

Candy is accompanied by Detective Sergeant Chris Ballard and policewoman Stacey Newcombe. However babysitting an over active 10 year old proves to be too much for them

Candy escapes and so does Hogan. No wonder Holbrook is on the next flight to Mexico.

A pretty silly story. Given she was kidnapped, it was a puzzle why her mother did not accompany Candy. No one could find the girl running around in a studio backlot.
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