Monster Rancher (1999–2001)
Arguably the best of the 'monster battle' anime
16 August 2023
I remember watching this in my youth and enjoying it very much, but never saw all of it. Decided to watch it in it's entirety and it is a great show.

It's certainly better than Pokemon, and I'd say only a smidgen better than Digimon. There's an overarching storyline which weaves and meanders throughout it's many episodes, with 3 main arcs. The monsters talk like in Digimon which gives them each a lot of personality; often with their own backstory's. The chemistry between them all is well thought out and entertaining, and the show actually manages to make me laugh at times all these years later, whether with silly humour or slightly more adult. The VA or English dub is also great.

The show is aimed at a teen demographic, which means character's calling enemies 'baddies' is irksome now I'm not a teen anymore. But with the humour, layered enough writing and ability to even make the viewer feel sad in one masterfully done episode (ep 49) this is still a great show decades later.

Well written, fun and wholesome. 10/10.
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