Review of Heart of Stone

Heart of Stone (I) (2023)
Wonky and Wokie
16 August 2023
The first 10 minutes was promising: exciting with plenty of decent enjoyable action.

How wrong I was!

But after that it all went downhill.

Meant to be a spy thriller with some secret organization trying to save the world (or are they?) but impossible for me to discern who are the goodies and who are the baddies...I don't know and do not care!

The fighting action gets very tedious, very quickly.

The plot is ludicrous.

The acting is barely B picture level.

I lost interest barely an hour into this nonsense. I turned it off well before the end as otherwise it would give me a worse headache.

Special effects and computer animation are confusing and quite frankly after a while just boring.

The film tries to please everyone with its diversity but in the end pleases no one with any sense: only just above the lowest rating due to the decent opening scenes:

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