Compelling story of bravery and sacrifice during WWII
4 August 2023
This version of The Hiding Place is a video recording of an exceptional stage play recounting the experiences of the Ten Boom family's efforts to save Jews in Holland during WWII. The story is well known to older generations but should be seen by younger folks to get a glimpse of the sacrifice this family, and many others in the underground, made to save the lives of thousands of Jews from the NAZI death camps. The Ten Booms themselves saved hundreds from certain death despite the risk and indeed, making the ultimate sacrifice.

The production is two and a half hours long but it moves along briskly. The stage production value is exceptional; great lighting, sets, and music. The acting is above average and it was a pleasure seeing John Schuck in action.

Though the recording of the play is directed in a somewhat amateurish manner with overuse of poorly framed and wobbly dolly shots, this can be forgiven because it is a live production. I would have preferred to see more of the play as experienced by the audience but, as is often the case with recordings of stage plays, video directors seem to think we would prefer constant close-ups even though the live audience would never be that close to the actors.

This same phenomenon plagues the recordings of even the largest stage productions such as Le Mis and The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall (2011) (the latter of which is almost impossible to watch due to the poor camerawork and video direction). Fortunately, The Hiding Place is so well acted and staged, that one can overlook the camera work and video direction and just take in the pathos of the incredible story of this brave family.

Well worth seeing this high quality stage production.
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