The Wrong Daughter (2018 TV Movie)
Above Average Made-For-TV Faire...
3 August 2023

BASIC PLOT: Kate (nm122354) and Joseph (Jon Prescott) have almost everything they need to make their life complete. They're in love, successful, and Kate is finally fulfilling her dream to open a restaurant. There's just one thing missing, a child. After multiple unsuccessful IVF attempts, they've finally given up on having a family of their own. But, there's still one possibility, Kate gave up a child at 16. She thought the baby went to a good home, but due to a medical issue, her baby was returned to foster care. Danica (Sierra Pond) has been living in group homes ever since. Unfortunately, she doesn't live there alone. She shares a room with a troubled young woman named Samantha (Sydney Sweeney). Samantha has broken so many rules, she's been asked to leave. On her way out, she steals Danica's laptop, and her identity. If Danica doesn't want to reach out to her birth mother, Samantha will. She's determined to have a family, and will remove anyone who stands in her way, including Danica. Will Kate realize she's brought a homicidal maniac into her life in time to save those she loves?

WHAT WORKS: *This is a decent melodrama, with only one major plot hole. It's well acted, well paced, and is an enjoyable ride, for the most part.

WHAT DOESN'T WORK: *Knocking a few books off a bookshelf at someone, wouldn't knock them out. That's a bit ridiculous.

*It is a ludicrous plot device to have the police arrest Melissa (Kelsey Griswold) for breaking down in grief when she finds Ivan's (Jesse Pepe) body. It would open the police up to false arrest charges, and lawsuits. I fast forwarded through the cops speech about assaulting an officer, as it was the officer who assaulted Melissa. This movie was a great melodrama, up until this agregious plot hole. Jesenia Ruiz and Carlee Malemute know how to write quality melodramas, so why add a plot hole so big, they fall in it? They needed a plot device to delay Melissa from reaching Kate. Fine. There are a million ways she could be delayed that do not suspend my disbelief. She could be sedated, have to wait for Ivan's parents, anything but a false arrest. In this litigious day and age, police air on the side of caution. They would check out Melissa's story, and treat her with the respect most police officers give the grieving.

TO RECOMMEND, OR NOT TO RECOMMEND, THAT IS THE QUESTION: *I would recommend this to people who understand and enjoy the art form of melodrama. This is a step above the usual made-for-tv movie faire, so enjoy!

CLOSING NOTES: *This is a Made-For-TV movie, please keep that in mind before you watch\rate it. TV movies have a much lower budget, and so your expectations should be adjusted.

*I have no connection to the film, or production in ANY way. I am just an honest viewer, who wishes for more straight forward reviews. Hope I helped you out.
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